public class LightningDataTableController{
public static List<Contact> fetchAccountContacts(String accountId) {
List<Contact> lstContact=new List<Contact>();
lstContact=[select id ,Name,Email,Phone from contact where accountid=:accountId];
return lstContact;
doInit : function(component, event){
var contactAction = component.get("c.fetchAccountContacts");
accountId : component.get("v.recordId")
var state = response.getState();
if (state === "SUCCESS" && response.getReturnValue() != '') {
var records =response.getReturnValue();
record.LinkName = '/'+record.Id;
}else if(state === "ERROR"){
console.log('A problem occurred: ' + JSON.stringify(response.error));
Lightning DataTable : Lightning Web Component
LightningDataTableController(Apex Controller )
public class LightningDataTableController{
public static List<Contact> fetchAccountContacts(String contactId) {
List<Contact> lstContact=new List<Contact>();
lstContact=[select id ,Name,Email,Phone from contact where accountid=:contactId];
return lstContact;
Salesforce LWC : Compact Layout showing on Hover Sometime we have requirement to show Account name link on standard views, a popup with the Compact Layout shows the details of that record. LWC Parent Component : Template (HTML Code) LWC : JS (Process Code) import { LightningElement,api } from 'lwc'; export default class AccountComponent extends LightningElement { @api recordId; @track objRecordId; handleMouseover(event) { console.log(this.recordId); this.objRecordId = null const toolTipDiv = this.template.querySelector('div.ModelTooltip'); = 1; = "block"; // eslint-disable-next-line window.clearTimeout(this.delayTimeout); // esli...
User Data Privacy User Data Privacy Our Chrome extension does not collect any personal data or user information. We are committed to respecting your privacy and ensuring a secure browsing experience. You can use our extension with confidence, knowing that your data remains private and secure. If you have any concerns or questions regarding privacy or data security, please feel free to contact us at .
Salesforce Lightning Web Component With Third Party JS : D3 Third-Party JavaScript Libraries Using JavaScript to manipulate the DOM isn’t recommended because the Lightning Web Components engine does it more efficiently. However, there are some third-party JavaScript libraries that take over the DOM. Manipulate the DOM with JavaScript Using JavaScript to manipulate the DOM isn’t recommended because the Lightning Web Components engine does it more efficiently. However, there are some third-party JavaScript libraries that take over the DOM. If a call to appendChild() manipulates the DOM, styling isn’t applied to the appended element. When using these libraries in a Lightning web component, add lwc:dom="manual" to any HTML element that you want to manipulate with JavaScript. When the engine sees the directive, it preserves encapsulation. Add the lwc:dom="manual" directive to an empty native HTML element. The owner of the component calls appendChild()...
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