Salesforce LWC : Compact Layout on Hover

Salesforce LWC : Compact Layout showing on Hover

Sometime we have requirement to show Account name link on standard views, a popup with the Compact Layout shows the details of that record.

LWC Parent Component : Template (HTML Code)

	<lightning-card  title="Account Details">
                <div class="slds-box">
                    <!-- Tooltip-->
                    <div style="display:none;position: absolute;opacity:0" class="ModelTooltip">
                        <c-compact-layout-on-hover record-id={recordId} ></c-compact-layout-on-hover>
                    <lightning-output-field field-name="Name" onmouseout={handleMouseout} onmouseover={handleMouseover}>

LWC : JS (Process Code)

import { LightningElement,api } from 'lwc';

export default class AccountComponent extends LightningElement {
   @api recordId;
    @track objRecordId;
    handleMouseover(event) {
        this.objRecordId = null
        const toolTipDiv = this.template.querySelector('div.ModelTooltip'); = 1; = "block";
        // eslint-disable-next-line
        // eslint-disable-next-line @lwc/lwc/no-async-operation
        this.delayTimeout = setTimeout(() => {
            this.objRecordId = this.recordId;
        }, 50);

    /* Handle Mouse Out*/
    handleMouseout() {
        const toolTipDiv = this.template.querySelector('div.ModelTooltip'); = 0; = "none";

LWC : XML (Config Code)

<!--xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?-->
<LightningComponentBundle xmlns="">

LWC Child Component (CompactLayoutOnHover) : Template (HTML Code)

        <template if:true={recordId} >
        <div style="position: absolute; opacity: 1" class="ModelTooltip">
            <section class="slds-popover slds-popover_panel slds-nubbin_top-left" role="dialog">
              <div class="slds-popover__header">
                <header class="slds-media slds-media_center slds-m-bottom_small">
                  <div class="slds-media__body">
                    <h2 class="slds-text-heading_medium slds-hyphenate">Account Details</h2>
              <div class="slds-popover__body">
                <lightning-record-form record-id={recordId} object-api-name="Account" layout-type="Compact" columns="1" mode="readonly"> </lightning-record-form>

LWC : JS (Process Code)

import { LightningElement,api } from 'lwc';

export default class PopoverComponent extends LightningElement {
    @api recordId;

LWC : XML (Config Code)

<!--xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?-->
<LightningComponentBundle xmlns="">

LWC :Output

Happy Sharing...

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  2. Thanks for your great information.

  3. I tried this on other object which is added it into the Opportunity object related list. but I am getting error bcz it is different object. Can you please help for this how will pass other object id . How we will get other object compact layout records hover in opportunity related list. If you give solution it is more help full to me.

    1. Hi Nidhee, were you able to get the answer to this question? i have a same requirement. Thanks.

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  5. Model is disappeared when I mouse hover on it because of mouseout event so is there any solution so when mouse hover on model then it should not go away.

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